Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Assignment 6 - about 11/19/08

Class date: 11/19/08

Today in class we focused primarily on E-bay and how to use HTML to make a nice looking page for your goods for sale, because a well-organized page (with lots of pictures) has been proven to up bids. We did a quick run-through on listing and the importance of feedback, and the rest of the class was focused on the HTML. We also created a mock page for a storm sail for sale, using thumbnails of pictures.

Currently we are supposed to be working on our webpage projects. I have the basic structure of the tables on my site finished and will be adding the details in the coming days. I've decided to make my personal site be about the novel I wrote for this year's NaNoWriMo. I just recently finished it so all of the details are fresh in my mind. I have an index page, a page for characters, and a page for information about the novel and the stats, (wordcount per day, etc.) If a third page is needed I'll probably separate the info and stats into two separate pages, or possibly a "deleted idea" page for ideas that didn't make it into the story.

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